My Work & Projects

Floating Point Multiplier
Designed an IEEE 754 Double-precision Floating Point Multiplier using Verilog.
Completed the Synthesis, APR process and conducted DRC/LVS verification.
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Rule110 cellular automaton
Developed a highly modular Rule110, ensuring flexibility and scalability.
Implemented a FSM to control the computational flow and timing.
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4-bits Arithmetic Logic Unit
Designed and implemented a 4-bit ALU circuit with 16 arithmetic functions.
Wrote SDC file, optimize layout parameters, and passed lint and DRC checks.
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FIR Filter
Implemented a fixed-point FIR filter circuit in an Linear Time-Invariant system.
Combined shift registers, multipliers, and adders to realize high-pass and low-pass filters.
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HDLBits Verilog Practice
Practiced a total of 182 Verilog exercises on the HDLBits website.
Continuously improved circuit design skills and shared my practice results on GitHub.
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FPGA Block-pushing Game
Developed a simplified block-pushing game using FPGA(Altera DE2-70).
A demonstration video showcasing the actual gameplay is available on YouTube.
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Vivado Installation Guide
A step-by-step tutorial on installing the Vivado 2023.1 version on Windows, guiding through software download, installation, license application and certification.
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