Finite Impulse Response(FIR) Filter
在線性非時變系統(Linear Time-Invariant, LTI)下實現fixed-point FIR Filter電路,透過組合移位暫存器、乘法器、加法器電路實現一個高通濾波器和一個低通濾波器。

Project Details

FIR Filter是一種常見的數位濾波器,用於處理數位信號。它的名稱來自其有限的脈衝響應(Impulse Response),這表示當濾波器受到一個單位的脈衝信號時,它的輸出僅在有限時間內回應,而不是無窮長的時間。

Characteristics of FIR Filter

  1. 有限脈衝響應:當應用一個有限長的脈衝信號時,FIR濾波器的輸出僅依賴於有限數量的輸入值
  2. 線性:FIR濾波器是線性的,使其可以將多個FIR濾波器串聯或相加
  3. 高度彈性:通過調整FIR濾波器的系數,可以實現不同的濾波效果,如低通、高通、帶通或帶阻


  • Includes a High Pass Filter and a Loss Pass Filter
  • Filter architecture consist of shift registers、multipliers、adders
  • Input signal is represented using fixed-point notation
  • Output signal is rounding the decimal part to the nearst integer
  • Ensure that the number of cycles between the first input and first output is less than 5 clock cycles

I/O Defination

Signal Name Direction Bit Width Description
CLK Input 1 Clock signal
RESET Input 1 Asynchronous reset signal (active high)
IN_VALID Input 1 Asserted when IN_DATA is vaild
IN_DATA Input 13 Input data (unsigned number, with the most significant 9 bits as the integer and the least significant 4 bits as the decimal)
OUT_VALID Output 1 Asserted when OUT_DATA is vaild
X_DATA Output 13 HPF output data (unsigned integer numbers)
Y_DATA Output 13 LPF output data (unsigned integer numbers)

Filter Coefficients

High-pass filter coefficient Low-pass filter coefficient
H(0) 0.43750 H(6) 0.87500 L(0) 0.84375 L(6) 0.50000
H(1) 0.12500 H(7) 0.50000 L(1) 0.59375 L(7) 0.59375
H(2) 0.09375 H(8) 0.96875 L(2) 0.15625 L(8) 0.34375
H(3) 0.03125 H(9) 0.87500 L(3) 0.28125 L(9) 0.37500
H(4) 0.50000 H(10) 0.96875 L(4) 0.65625 L(10) 0.50000
H(5) 0.43750 H(11) 0.53125 L(5) 0.53125 L(11) 0.96875

General Architecture

FIR濾波器的總體架構可以參考Fig1,架構包括移位暫存器、乘法器和加法器。在本實驗中,輸入訊號使用fixed-point表示法,其中最高有效 9 位是整數部分,且最低有效 4 位是小數部分。濾波器係數可以使用定點表示法表示,最後得到的輸出訊號將小數部分四捨五入到最接近的整數。